Commission Original Portraits, Landscapes, or other Artworks from Artists Experiencing Incarceration or Re-entry
In an effort to foster a sense of connection and shared investment between the general public and artists experiencing incarceration or reentry, INSIDE>OUT ART is proud to announce our pilot ART4U program to act as a conduit for commissioned art. It’s easy — just follow the 3 steps below. Naturally, 100% of the sales price (minus shipping fee) will go to the artist you have chosen to produce your artwork!
SELECT: Browse and click through the portfolios to select which artist you would like to have create your new artwork.
SEND: Email us a photograph of your subject — a loved one, pet, special scene, or favorite landscape that you would like transformed into an original artwork. The photo must be in a j.peg file format and less than 25MB in size.
ORDER: Complete the order form below with your payment. Your new artwork will arrive in approximately 3-6 weeks.